According to The Mayo Clinic, once an individual is infected with Epstein Barr, the virus will remain inside the body for life. The virus attaches to white blood cells (lymphocyte B cells) and the attachment is known to hinder your cells, rendering them unable to fight off the infection. The infection can lie dormant and then re-infect when the host is compromised.
Symptoms include fatigue, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, enlarged spleen, swollen liver and rash. In my experience, clients also present with anemia, depression, impaired memory and malabsorption. Studies show that Epstein Barr has been found to be associated with certain cancers, MS and Lupus. A current study exists to investigate the possible relationship between Epstein Barr and Schizophrenia.
Epstein Barr or Glandular Fever, according to Ayurveda is resultant from an excess of Pitta (inflammation) and Kapha (lymph congestion). Ayurvedic protocol includes diet recommendations and herbal protocols that kindle Agni (digestion), increase Ojas (immunity), reduce inflammation (clear Pitta) and reduce toxins and congestion (Ama and Kapha).
What to eat?

A Vata reducing diet is incorporated at onset of protocol. This Dosha is addressed first to provide the body with a diet that is most easy to digest, thereby allowing the body to focus on immunity. Carminatives are included in the diet to help with digestion and elimination. According to Ayurveda, a Vata reducing diet also palliates the nervous system. Following Ayurvedic protocols for proper food combining limit the production of additional Ama or toxins in the body. In my experience, clients do well with immediate removal of eggs and meat from their diet. Incorporation of the following has shown to be beneficial: Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Spinach, Kale, Oranges, Lemons, Almonds, Walnuts and Sunflower Seeds due to their Vitamin E content. Ayurveda prefers food to be cooked and spices and nuts should be soaked to allow for simpler digestion.
Potential Herbs?

Ginger - A study of extracts from 32 different herbs found that Ginger exhibited the most potent anti EBV-EA activity. While small dosages noted impact; it is generally advisable to consume 3-4 grams of ginger per day. 1 gram of freshly grated ginger equates to 1 teaspoon; whereas 1 gram of powdered ginger equals ½ teaspoon.
Daruharidra or Berberine - Berberine is found to have multiple pharmacological functions such as anti-diarrheal, anti-hypertensive, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effects. One study has indicated that Berberine could inhibit the proliferation of malignant cells infected with EBV.
Pippali - Pippali is long pepper and can easily be swapped out for common pepper, from a culinary perspective pippali has an enhanced savory flavor. Long pepper is known to have an ability to clear Kapha, is said to act as a decongestant, bronchodilator, and expectorant. Pippali is said to reduce inflammatory conditions and assist in limiting the oxidative damage caused by affected cells, thereby assisting with recovery.
Guduchi - The list of benefits from Guduchi are long ranging from memory enhancer to immunity builder.
Amla - With anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Alma packs in a high dose of Vitamin C. Amla fruit is said to contain 25 times more vitamin C than an orange.

Tulsi - Holy Basil - Holy Basil is a go to herb for immunity in Ayurveda and is therefore recommended for EBV. One study of adaptogenic herbs found Holy Basil to be among the herbs shown to improve immune function through various mechanisms, such as enhancing cell-mediated immunity.
Ayurvedic Practitioners treat an individual and not necessarily a medical condition. It is advisable to work with an Ayurvedic Practitioner if Ayurveda is the approach you are choosing to manage EBV. An Ayurvedic Practitioner can help you identify your Dosha, coach you on your diet and create an herbal regime that is specific and appropriate for you as an individual. It is important to consult with an Ayurvedic Practitioner and/or a healthcare professional before using herbs, especially if you have an underlying health condition or if you are taking other medications.