Some of us grew up placing the humble buttercup flower underneath our chins to get a glimpse of the yellow reflection. This would determine whether or not we loved butter.
Julia Child once stated “with enough butter, anything is good.” If butter is so beloved, what about the magical properties of pure butter devoid of any impurities, known as Ghee?
According to Ayurveda, Ghee is the sattvic, pure, golden nectar that remains after unsalted butter is cooked to remove any contaminants.

How can Ghee transform your life?
Drives down inflammation and helps your skin glow: According to Ayurveda, Ghee can balance inflammation and heat in the body known as Pitta while touting the unique ability to also increase your digestive fire or Agni. Ghee is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins A, E & D. Omega-3’s carry anti-inflammatory properties proven useful in the management of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as coronary heart disease, major depression, aging, cancer, arthritis, Chron’s, ulcerative colitis and lupus - autoimmune diseases characterized by high levels of inflammation. Whereas A, E & D support immune function, skin health and bone health.
Ghee alleviates Vata and Pitta Doshas, while Kapha Dosha benefits from bitter Ghees. All Doshas benefit when Ghee is used as a medication; combined with herbs to enhance the absorption of

Detoxes and helps with fat loss: Ghee is known in Ayurveda for having the ability to pull fat soluble toxins from your fat cells; triggering fat metabolism, whereas only water soluble toxins flush out with urine. Studies support that ghee compared to soybean oil downregulates the enzyme activities responsible for carcinogen activation in the liver and upregulates carcinogen detoxification activities in liver and mammary tissues. As if that wasn’t enough to drive interest, Ghee also has a heat point of 485 degrees and therefore does not break down into harmful byproducts when heated, making it a stable and healthier cooking oil of choice.
Heals the gut, affects hormones and promotes digestion: Ayurveda indicates that Ghee promotes digestion which supports the development of Ojas or immunity. Analysis supports that Ghee is full of Butyric Acid, a component that feeds beneficial gut bacteria. Composed primarily of saturated fats, Ghee also contains healthy monounsaturated fats. These fats are essential for various bodily functions, including hormone production, cell membrane structure, and nutrient absorption.
The clarification process involved in making ghee removes milk solids, including lactose and casein. As a result, ghee is often well-tolerated by individuals who are lactose intolerant or sensitive to dairy proteins.
How to make this magic potion that can be stored at room temperature?
Ghee can be made on the stovetop or in the oven; both processes require unsalted butter as a base. As a rule of thumb - 1 lb of butter = 10 ounces of ghee.
Stove Top:
Place unsalted butter in a pan. Heat on medium and skim off waste as it surfaces. Once cooled, more waste will harden on the surface and should be removed. In addition, some silt or impurities may collect at the bottom of the pain and should be removed as well.

Place butter into a pan and heat overnight in the oven set at 200 to 250 degrees.
Crust will form on top and on the bottom, remove waste and strain to obtain clear golden liquid.